Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Pre-Christmas Project

I've been pretty encouraged these days with all the projects my friends have been doing for themselves. Listening to my instructors talk music have painted a mural in my heart to create my own.
God as my witness and inspiration I want to do this with passion, and endurance, and with a sense of Holiness.

So here's the project:
1. Write three songs and record them (not caring about the quality)
2. Learn two cover songs
3. Pass this Winter quarter and prepare for the Fourth installment quarter at Musicians Institute.

On the side:
1. Get my pedals fixed
2. Figure out the things I need and want and get that all schemed out.

What I'm hoping to accomplish is to have some quality songs to share on YouTube.
Cross my heart and hope to die!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday Mother Dearest

I seriously have the best mother in the world. It may sound biased but it is not a lie nor is it biased at all! The very fact that makes her the best is that she loves me and I love her back. It doesn't grow dim after all these years. Perhaps the only other love that would or could surpass a mother's love is God himself.

Love only exists with certain conditions: patience (long-suffering), kindness, the absence of envy, boasting, rudeness, insisting on one's own gain. Love is not irritable nor resentful. Love chastises wrong-doing and rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Lastly, love is not confined by time, meaning it is an eternal contingence.

Outside these conditions, we step into an unconditional love, a love that can save a life from eternal separation from the source from which this Love exists. (This section is for believers of this Love)

Nonetheless, if I were to make a checklist, Mother would definitely make all the marks with flying colors. I love my mother. Happy Birthday to you. You are an amazing woman of God, a faithful wife, steadfast Mother, and more as the years go by. You're golden!

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's Always Been Back to Square One

I'm quite unsure of what took so long but I've found my niche in this life given to us so graciously. Graciously given not because I'm lavished in everything I've ever dreamed but because though I pursued so much and through the mental adversities and heart-breaks, I've come to know that my heart was always held in God's hands. Now I feel confident to pursue something that has been left behind through the sifting process. I thank God for that cos I've been holding onto a lot of dead weight these past years.

Grace is always sufficient, it is now a matter of gratitude. Musician's Institute, I am pleased and excited to have completed my first quarter here. Thank you for teaching this musician the tricks of the trade. Thank you Jesus, for guiding me through and being my foundation.

Time to take the second step.